Wednesday 3 April 2013

Photo-shoot plan for magazine

Photo ideas:
For the magazine cover, I want to get some pictures of one of the main characters. I want the photos to be a a mid shot of Stu, and I want him to be holding a torch and for it to be shining towards the camera (not directly at it though).

Date and time:
Wednesday 6th March

Stu Wilson (actor playing one of the main boy characters)

Location and setting:
In one of the long hallways in Stu's house. It will be dark (maybe with some white lighting to make editing easier), with the main light source coming from the torch that Stu will be holding.

Costume / make-up:
Grey hoodie
Dark coloured t-shirt
Blue or black jeans
Dark coloured make-up/face paint to make Stu look like he has been hiding/escpaing from Slender

iPhone 4s
White light torch
White box lighting 

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