Wednesday 3 April 2013

Photo-shoot for magazine : How did it go?

What went well
  • The composition of my photos worked really well. The conventions of magazine front covers is that the main image is usually a mid shot of the model. I therefore did this for all of the photos I took.
  • The lighting also worked well. I used a big soft box white light when taking the pictures. When I first started taking pictures, I noticed that the photos were turning out over exposed and very white, so I changed the direction of the light away from Stu so that there wasn't too much light on him. This then worked well and there was a lot of light in the photo so that I have more versatility when it comes to editing.
  • The Quality of the photos is great. This is because the setting was well lit and the camera I used was good. Again this is useful for editing and making the magazine look more professional.
What didn't go too well
  • For this shoot I didn't take a massive range of shots (differant angles and composition etc), which could be a big disadvantage as there is less chance of finding an image that will work for my magazine cover. However, luckily I have an image that will work great for my magazine.
  • The torch that Stu was holding didn't really seem very bright in the photos, and I think this is because there was such bright lighting (from the white box light). I therefore may have to put a lens flare or something on the image when I edit it.
Here is my most unsuccessful (on the left) and most successful image (on the right):

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