Wednesday 20 March 2013

Some feedback of my storyboard

Forgot to post this a while ago...oops...

After creating my storyboard and showing my peers and media classmates, I have found that part of my storyboard is not suitable for my trailer.
In the shots where a female character is seen getting hit by a car (as shown in the pictures below), people have made comments about how this is not appropriate for my chosen genre and theme for my trailer/film.


"I like the idea but I think it is more action like"

"Getting hit by a car in this way wouldn't really be used in a psychological horror.."

"It would look really cool but it isn't really something you would see in a horror film, because the way that she is being killed would not look very gorey or like a slasher"

"I think that it would be really hard to edit it if you are going to film it in reverse, and I don't think it's suitable for the psychological/slasher genre"


After gathering this feedback it has also made me think that this isn't really appropriate for my trailer, and wouldn't follow the conventions of a psychologically based horror film. It also probably wouldn't be shown in teaser trailer anyway because the deaths/killings are never normally revealed in such an early advertising campaign for the film. I therefore have decided to remove this from my storyline and not film it, and will continue to brainstorm ideas and think of things that I could use instead of this. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, Lucy! I took a serious look on your story board and I must agree that the idea may not be suitable to your genre. There’s nothing wrong with it—it’s just that it fits with tragic love story or drama. But you can still use it, just edit the scene when the car was ready to approach the girl. Just show the picture of the girl looking somewhere, then the car, then the girl again with a flash of light until it flared. Just leave to the viewer a room to think what happened next.

    Francesca Slone
