Wednesday 20 March 2013

Film plan 5

Brief about what happens in the shots:
Due to Scott's illness and inability to attend Film shoot 4, I am planning to film these shots on another date in the Christmas Holidays. In this film shoot I will be filming the shots of the 3 main characters at the main location (abandoned mushroom farm), and will film them arriving at the location and exploring the location (what I was unable to film last time). 

- Long and wide shot of location with actors standing in shot (slow zoom out)
- High angle shot of actors walking into one of the buildings (filmed from high up platform)
- Close up shot of car door and actor (Scott) 's feet getting out of the car
- Long shot of actors walking in the abandoned location with Slender standing behind them

Friday 28th December 2012


South Heath Mushroom Farm (abandoned buildings and land)


Lighting = Car headlights (part of shot aswell) and daylight
Filming = iPhone 4s 
Power = 
Phone battery
Other = Tripod

Anna Gilbert (playing Rebecca - main girl character)
Scott Claridge (playing one of the main boy characters)
Stu Wilson (playing the other main boy character)
Nick Wilson (playing Slender)



Risk assessment:
The location that I will be using is abandoned and there is debris about. I therefore need to make sure that I do not go into places that look too dangerous or are not well lit, in case of injury. 

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