Wednesday 20 March 2013

Filming plan 2.5

Due to the fact that I wasn't able to get all of the shots I needed in film shoot 2, I will shoot the remaining shots on another day (film shoot 2.5). Mr Taylor, the owner of the property / Anderson Shelter said that I was welcome to film the remaining shots when ever I wish to, so will create a new plan for this shoot.

Brief about what happens in the shots:
The shots are POV, and will be of the outside of the Anderson Shelter and of the character POV of walking down the steps into the shelter.

- High angle shot of steps into shelter
- Tracking shot of walking down the steps

Saturday 22nd December 2012


Anderson shelter in Mr Taylor's garden

Lighting = Light from torches (props)
Filming = 
iPhone 4s, steadicam, DSLR camera 
Power = 
Phone battery, batteries in torches
Other = 3 hand held torches which are used in the other shots of inside the shelter (from film shoot 2)

None needed


3 torches (as used in film shoots 1 and 2)

Risk assessment:
The steps into the shelter will probably be slippery as the temperature now is so low that surfaces are beginning to ice over. I therefore will have another person on the side of the shelter (on the grass) to catch anyone if they slip/fall. There should not be too much of an issue with unclear ground surfaces and ice as I will be filming in the after noon so it shouldn't be dark or too cold. 

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