Wednesday 20 March 2013

Film shoot 5 : how did it go ?

In my 5th film shoot I filmed the shots that I was unable to get in Film shoot 4. This included the shots of all 3 actors at the abandoned mushroom farm location and a shot of Scott getting out of the car.

What went well

The close up shots of Scott getting out of the car worked really well, and the quality turned out brilliant. I also think that the high angle shot of the actors walking into one of the buildings worked well, as it made the shot look POV (from Slender's point of view) to make them look like they are being watched and are vulnerable. 

What didn't go so well

I filmed late afternoon, however it was still quite light. The car headlights therefore didn't show up much in the building which the actors walk into. This will mean that when I edit, I will have to adjust the brightness and colours of the shots, as otherwise it will not look like the actors are in the headlights (and therefore they won't look as vulnerable). 

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