Wednesday 20 March 2013

Film shoot 4 : how did it go ?

In my 4th film shoot I planned to film the shots of the characters at the abandoned mushroom farm, where they arrive, explore, and first see Slender. I also planned to film a few location/scenery shots (for which no actors were needed).

HOWEVER, Scott (one of the actors for the main boy characters) was ill and was unfortunately  not well enough to come to the film shoot, so I had to rearrange what I was filming.

What I did instead 

I was still able to film the shots of Anna in the woods, and was also able to still film the scenery shots of the abandoned mushroom farm. 

Because I was not able to film a lot of the shots (the ones that Scott would have been in), I decided to film the shots of Stu (where in the shot he screams 'Because I've seen him' in a panicked manor  in my house (another location used) instead. This originally wasn't in my storyboard, however after filming the other shots, I realised that I did not have any shots that would remotely explain the relevance of Slender to the storyline, so i decided to film this. 

How did it go?

The shots of Anna in the woods turned out brilliant, with the lighting being perfect to give high quality shots. Anna also acted in a serious way and played her scarred and panicked character well. 

The scenery shots of the abandoned mushroom farm also turned out great, although some of the shots were quite shaky as I was unable to use a tripod as some of the places were more difficult to get to (e.g. close up of a vine/leaves). However, I shot long length shots of these, which meant that I had enough footage that was not as shaky to work with when editing.

The shots of Stu inside turned out great. I used some professional white lights to make the room bright, which worked very well as this gives me more flexibility to edit the shot to look how I want it to. The low angle at which I filmed at also worked well, and the tripod really helped in achieving this shot. The picture below shows the set where I filmed, and the tripod and light positioning when I filmed. (when I was filming, Stu was standing half way up the first set of stairs).

So, although I was not able to get all of the shots I wished to due to an actor being ill, I was still able to get a lot of the shots I needed, along with some additional ones too. 

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