Monday 29 October 2012

Questionnaire sampling & data gathering

To create my actual questionnaire i used This is a website that allows you to create online questionnaires and then link people your survey, or post it to the home page so that random people can answer your questions. This is what it will look like when people click the link to answer my questionnaire:

Link to full questionnaire:


Instead of posting my questionnaire to the Survey Monkey home page (other Survey Monkey users), i decided to email individuals my questionnaire. I chose to do this because I could control who answers my questionnaire and I thought that it would be a quicker way of receiving responses. I posted the link to my questionnaire in the email, as shown below.

I chose to send my email to 30 people, so that I have a large enough sample to make more accurate conclusions from. I sent the email to ten 15 - 25 year olds, ten 26 - 35 year olds, and ten 36+ year olds. I chose this sample method because it is more controlled and the results will be more reliable as there will be a wider range of ages. This is because if i used random sampling by posting the questionnaire to Survey Monkey, the majority of the responses are likely to be just the people who use Survey Monkey, which could only represent a small age range. 

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