Tuesday 11 December 2012

Filming plan 2

Brief about what happens in the shots:
The shots to create a jump in the Anderson shelter. The POV shots are of the character walking down the steps into the shelter, then standing in the room. They see the note on the far wall, and suddenly turn around. They see Slender standing in the corner, and the shot gets wider and longer to show that they are jumping backwards.               

- High angle shot of steps into shelter
- Tracking shot of walking down the steps
- POV wide shot of room
- Eye line match / extreme close up of Slender
- Fast zoom out to a wide eye line shot of Slender


Saturday 8th December 2012


Anderson shelter in Mr Taylor's garden


Lighting = Torch X 2 (1 Yellow light torch, 1 white light torch)  
Filming = 
iPhone 4s, black DSLR camera, tall adjustable tripod, Steadicam 
Power = 
Phone battery, batteries in torches, rechargeable battery in camera
Other =

- Nick Wilson (playing Slender) – black suit, white shirt, face paint (white face and black eyes)


Risk assessment:
The steps into the shelter will probably be slippery as the temperature now is so low that surfaces are beginning to ice over. I therefore will have another person on the side of the shelter (on the grass) to catch anyone if they slip/fall. Surfaces may also be unclear in the dark, so I will check the floor surfaces/loose steps etc. in the daytime prior to the film shoot.

Contingency plan:

- Spare batteries for torches
- Extension lead and lamp ready if I need to use them, as the torches may not be enough light to light the room

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